Thursday, August 6, 2009


The Hulk (Rob) should be in Maine as I write. He left the Hiker's Paradise in Gorham early this morning. Since his last post he has hiked the White Mountains (very hard above the treeline, rainy), restocked in Lincoln and stayed at Chet's One Step At A Time. There was the best hour of the best day on Mt. Lincoln with 40 mile views. There have been high winds at Mt. Garfield and Mt. Washington (tourists make Hulk angry). At Pinkham Notch you go straight up or down over all kinds of boulders, got to the shelter late (work for stay was nice). Rob said he almost fell off when he stood up at the top of Wildcat Mountain. There was a side trip into Gorham for a new shoes and candy mail drop. R.I.P old boots (730 miles of service). Hulk is confident and walking with Larry (Mo and Curly's brother, really, from Holland) who has the remaining 280 miles of the trip mapped out. We are praying for his continued endurance and safety.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT NEWS HULK - you are doing it! And glad to hear about the new shoes in Gorham - sounds perfect for Maine! Steps
